8th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems
Agenda - Final
This listing shows the agenda state after the conference ended.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
- 16:00 to 17:30
Visit to the University of Madeira Campus
Individual meetings of the participants on the university main campus
- 18:30 to 19:00
Pre-Registration (Rectory Building)
- 19:00 to 20:30
Welcome Cocktail (Rectory Building)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
- 08:30 to 09:00
- 09:00 to 09h30
Opening Session, with the presence of the
Secretário Regional da Educação
Prof. Dr. Francisco José Vieira Fernandes
and the Rector of Madeira University
Prof. Dr. José Manuel Nunes Castanheira da Costa
Technical Session 1:
Chair: Ludo Cambré, Luc Friant
- 09:30 - 09:50
Rainer Bollmann, Wolfgang Stade, Gerd Stange, Thomas Zelenka:
Recent progress in magnetic-inductive flow metering devices (MID)
- 09:50 to 10:10
Nils T. Kannengießer, Thomas Ladehoff, Thorsten Knutz, Helmut Dispert:
Implementation of a platform independent client software for the GO Bluebox System.
- 10:10 to 10:30
Yull Heilordt Henao and Fabiano Fruett:
A Sport Activities Monitoring based on Acceleration and Rotation
Microelectromechanical Sensors.
This presentation has been cancelled.
- 10:10 to 10:30
Carlos A. dos Reis Filho and Rogério Esteves Salustiano:
ParrotNet: a mechanism for data propagation in highly-dense, low-mobility wireless sensor networks.
- 10:30 to 10:50
Vidina Dácil Oliva Rodríguez, Thorsten Knutz, Helmut Dispert:
Development of an Electrode Response Processing System for the Detection of Nitride Ions in Aqueous Solution.
- 10:50 to 11:10
Coffee Break
Technical Session 2:
Networks and Applications
Chair: Johan Dams, Smail Menani
- 11:30 to 11:50
Filipe E. S. Santos, Joaquim A. R. Azevedo:
Application of ZigBee and Bluetooth to Urban Ambient Monitoring and Guidance.
- 11:50 to 12:10
Ana Beatriz Alvarez, José Raimundo de Oliveira:
Hand Gesture Recognition using a Lattice Autoassociative Memory.
This presentation has been cancelled.
- 12:10 to 12:30
Olaf Bergmann, Stefanie Gerdes, Jörg Ott, Petri Ylikoski, Nils Seifert, Caleb Carroll, Nigel Wallbridge:
CHIANTI: Enhancing Robustness of Communication in Disruptive Networks.
This presentation has been cancelled.
- 12:30 to 14:00
Lunch (Marina Terrace Restaurant)
Technical Session 3:
Mobile Technology and Applications
Chair: George Papadourakis, Ghodrat Moghadampour
- 14:00 to 14:20>
Felipe Miranda, Rogério Esteves Salustiano and Carlos A. dos Reis Filho:
The Impact of Address-Assigning Heuristics on Network Routing Paths.
- 14:20 to 14:40
Tiago Meirele, Nuno Ferreira, José Alberto Fonseca, João Nuno Matos:
Development of Vehicular Communications based on WAVE (802.11p).
- 14:40 to 15:00
Luimula, M., Pieskä, S., Pitkäaho, T., and Tervonen, J.:
Ambient intelligence in mobile field work.
- 15:00 to 15:20
Andre Doria, Daniel Wagner, Iryna Pavlyshak, Mariana Lopez:
A series of insights: location sharing.
- 15:20 to 15:30
Coffee Break
- 15:30 to 15:50
Pieskä, S., Luimula, M., Pitkäaho, T., and Tervonen, J.:
Smart wheel loader based on RFID and positioning technologies.
- 15:50 to 16:10
Heikki Palomäki:
Multi-feeder systems using RFID
- 16:10 to 16:30
Ghodrat Moghadampour:
Web Services for Mobile Intelligent Devices.
- 16:30 to 20:00
Social Program Visit to the Island
- 20:00
Official Conference Dinner
Friday, September 25, 2009
Technical Session 4:
Embedded Systems and Applications
Chair: José Alberto Fonseca, Carlos A. dos Reis Filho
- 09:00 to 09:20
Mirco Pieper:
Renesas Technology communication devices.
- 09:20 to 09:40
Gisnara Rodrigues Hoelzle and Fernando Morgado Dias:
Hardware Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network with an Embedded Microprocessor in an FPGA.
- 09:40 to 10:00
Rogério Esteves Salustiano and Carlos A. dos Reis Filho:
A Java Package for Synchronous Simulation Processing
- 10:00 to 10:20
Johan Dams:
Optimizing Embedded Software - A Look at the NEON SIMD unit in the ARM Cortex Family of Processors
- 10:20 to 10:40
George Palamas, Iasonas Poulis, George Papadourakis, Manolis Kavoussanos:
Evolution of an Artificial Neural Network of a Simulated Self-Balancing Bipedal Robot.
- 10:40 to 11:00
Smail Menani:
Design of an Embedded System IEC61850 enabled.
- 11:00 to 11:30
Coffee Break
Technical Session 5:
Chair: Helmut Dispert, Tiago Meirele
- 11:30 to 11:50
Margus Ernits, Kristiina Hakk, Kalle Tammemäe:
Teaching robotics and embedded systems as a learning chain of different subjects.
- 11:50 to 12:10
Johan Dams:
Towards a Reliable, Cost Effective and Easy to Operate Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Technology Education
- 12:10 to 12:30
Luis Melchert Faber Schmutzler:
Motivation, the key to multiplication: Teaching Programmable Logic Controllers with Free Projects.
- 12:30 to 13:00
Ludo Cambré, Luc Friant:
Didactical principles in the use of embedded servers.
- 13:00 to 14:30
Lunch (Marina Terrace Restaurant)
- 14:30 to 15:00
Final Discussion, Summary, Future Conferences and Workshops.
Conference ends.