19 Years

International Symposium on
Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems

This event has been postponed.
The new dates will be announced as soon as possible.

16 - 19 September, 2020
Geel, Belgium


Welcome to AmiEs-2020

The goal of this international symposium is to share knowledge and experiences in the areas of Ambient Intelligence, Embedded Systems, Internet Programming and Information Technology. It is aimed at researchers and developers from academia and industry as well as experienced students working in those areas of specialization.

This year the event will be organized in collaboration with Thomas More University of Applied Sciences in Geel, Belgium. The workshop series was jointly initiated in 2002 by Vaasa UAS and Kiel UAS. Since then it has been very successfully organized in Vaasa, Kiel, Aveiro, Coimbra, Geel, Heraklion, Madeira, Chania, Espoo (Helsinki), Berlin, and Oostende.

Premilinary Programme

The premilinary programme has been published.

  • Wednesday, September 16 will be reserved as Erasmus Teaching Day and will optionally be available for pre-conference meetings and workshops.
  • The reception of the participants will start on Thusday, September 17 at 9:00 am. The registration, reception, and all sessions will be held in the ??? Auditorium.
  • The symposium presentations are given on Thursday and Friday, September 17 – 18. They are given in the form of lectures, tutorials, practical demonstrations or combinations of these forms.
  • Saturday, September 19 will be available for additional sightseeing activities.

AmiEs-2020 Programme

Official language

The official language of the symposium will be English.

Poster AmiEs-2019


Click on image to download poster.

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