Please observe:
The titles are linked to the full papers and/or the symposium presentations.
Index (Authors, Titles)
Supporting Clinical Therapy Using Smartphone and Activity Sensors
==> Presentation
Real-time obstacle avoidance navigation strategy in unknown environments
==> Paper ==> Presentation
First Flush Rainwater Harvesting Application with Fuzzy Logic Control
==> Paper ==> Presentation
Embedded system development with wireless connectivity to cellular networks using HSPA modem, for online access to remote digital systems
==> Presentation
SAR Satellite Images and Services
Automatic Insect Counting using a Smart McPhail Trap
==> Presentation
Child Tracking and Detection - A Public Safety Application through Mobile Crowd-Sensing
All-terrain autonomous legged robotic platform
==> Presentation
Blended AIM - PRINCE2 Web-Based Canvas
==> Presentation
Procedure for modeling and analysis of energy consumption for data center space
==> Paper
Design, Development and Control of the Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand TALOS
==> Paper
A personalised and adaptive intelligent system to adjust circadian lighting for elderly housing
==> Presentation
Deep Learning Implementation Framework for Image Classification Applications
==> Paper ==> Presentation
Teleoperation of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand using a custom made data glove
==> Poster ==> Presentation
Experiments on Pedestrian Localization Using the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform
NICODIMUS, a forensic device to support Avocate and Judger public function and office
==> Paper
The development of multiform curriculum for Degree Program in Information Technology
==> Presentation
Securing License Verification by using Native Code, Fusing Options and Indirect Method Triggering on Android
==> Paper
An Insight to Cracking Solutions and Circumvention of Major Protection Methods for Android
==> Paper
Estimation of the Linear Wire Antenna Parameters Using Neural Networks
==> Presentation
Evaluation of the Travelling Wave Dipole Antenna Parameters Using an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System
==> Presentation
Cognition in Digital Environments
==> Paper
WCDMA for Air to Ground and Ground to Air communications – Case Study for Greek airspace
==> Paper ==> Presentation
An Embedded Controller for the Pendubot
==> Paper
Linux-Based Low-Latency Multichannel Audio System
==> Presentation
A sensor network for monitoring and adjusting building ventilation
==> Presentation
Addressing the deployment challenges of the wireless IoT with Stochastic Geometry modeling
==> Presentation
Arduino for Music Making - TROLL8 Micro Synthesizer Platform
==> Presentation
Using Sigfox to salinity sensing in Salicornia ramosissima crops of Ria de Aveiro
==> Presentation
Enhancing Engineering Education. Enhancing Engineering Education: The case of Information Technology
==> Presentation
Multipurpose Smart Beacon Solution
==> Paper ==> Presentation
Embedded applications in the field of smart homes and agriculture
==> Presentation
From Linear B to the Phaistos Disk
==> Presentation (external site)
Customizing Physiotherapy Games tailored to Parkinson’s Disease
==> Paper
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Rehabilitation using serious games
==> Paper
Design, Development and Control of a Portable Hand Exoskeleton Splint for People with Partial Disabilities
==> Presentation
Compliance of student learning outcomes with industry needs in embedded systems engineering
==> Presentation
Advanced Laser Processes for Photovoltaic Energy Production
==> Presentation
Extension of the WebRTC Data Channel Towards Remote Collaboration and Control
==> Paper
Current state of DNA sequencing technologies and the consequential tasks in computational life sciences
==> Presentation
Real-Time Collaborative environment for interior design based on Semantics, Web3D and WebRTC
==> Paper ==> Presentation
Performance improving extensions of the Smith-Waterman Algorithm
==> Paper ==> Presentation
Using iBeacons and Fingerprinting for Indoor Navigation
==> Presentation
Visual Teleoperation of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
==> Presentation
Aircraft recognition using computer vision
==> Presentation